Congress 2 Congress

Congress to Congress opens up a new dimension in foreign relations.

We acknowledge the importance of the United Nations in providing a forum for international discourse by governments. But, there remains a huge void in the ability of the UN to bring into focus the people’s voice through their elected parliamentarians.

Just as social networks have revolutionized communications with a people to people communications vehicle Ask Congress provides legislators of the world a channel of communications that gives the peoples representatives the ability to address problems and provide a consensus through a political forum.

This is an opportunity for the people to have a voice, through their elected representatives to answer the challenges we face in this changing world.

Each month the United States Congress will lay before the Legislators of more than 100 parliaments a proposal and seek input from their colleagues . Ask congress will post the responses for review. We intend to alternate this with a new proposal each week with a different country legislature through their committee on foreign affairs

How can we enforce the nuclear agreement with Iran?

Posted by on Sep 30, 2020 | 0 comments

Our World stands at a crossroad. Our actions during this critical period may shape our future and could mean peace or continued conflict with dire consequences. Chime in on this important subject. Let parliamentarians worldwide understand your POV. This is an open invitation to all congressmen and woman and Parliamentarians throughout the world to let the people and congress hear your views.

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